Wold War III: Un-Elected NIC Trustee Goes on 14 Minute Rant Promoting Fake Conservative Candidates — Democrats Applaud

What in the Wold is happening at NIC?

If you want to find out why America has gone off the deep end, you don’t need to look any further than our Higher Education system. For Decades, radical marxist professors have laid siege to American culture by subverting our educational institutions; inventing and imposing anti-American ideologies such as Critical Race Theory, Gender Ideology and Radical Feminism just to name a few. Don’t believe me? Pick up a copy of Andrew Breitbart’s book Righteous Indignation. It’s an eye opener.

Once you understand the role that our Universities play in shaping the ideology and culture of society at large, you’ll understand why Liberals in Kootenai County are absolutely freaking out at the idea that they will lose their majority on the North Idaho College school board.

In 2020, the people of Kootenai County finally won a majority of seats on the board when they elected Todd Banducci, Greg McKenzie and Michael Barnes. These three True Conservatives™ (i.e. normal Christian people) began to implement good policies and advocate for a campus culture that is more in line with the values of the people of North Idaho. This is when the liberal attacks against the College, and our elected representatives, went into overdrive.

Liberals Declare Wold War III Against Conservative Trustees

Christa Hazel, a Liberal activist and Chairwoman of the Political Action Committee “Friends of NIC,” along with (now appointed NIC Trustee) John Goedde, sent Michael Barnes an ultimatum in the Press threatening a lawsuit if he didn’t comply with their demands. They said, “if resignation is not received by end of business day, January 17th, Barnes should prepare for personal litigation.”

Ultimately these “friends” of NIC were able to intimidate and bully Barnes into resigning, leaving the NIC board with 2 liberal trustees (Christie Wood and Ken Howard) and two Conservative trustees (Todd Banducci and Greg McKenzie).

Wood, who is a current Coeur d’Alene city counselor and a founding member of the radical left-wing Human Rights Education Task Force, and Howard, whose primary residence is in New Mexico, were both incapable of parking their corrupt practices and liberal ideology at the door, so they devised a new way to overturn the free and fair election of Conservative trustees Banducci and McKenzie.

This time, the liberals’ attack on the Conservative trustees escalated and became a direct attack on North Idaho College itself.

In an open letter written by Trustee Greg McKenzie called the The True Story - NIC Accredidation, McKenzie alleges that John Goedde, along with Christa Hazel, Christie Wood and other “friends” of NIC were a part of a “gang that repeatedly ATTACKED NIC’s accreditation.” He goes on to allege that Goedde had come up with a plan to “seize control” of the board. McKenzie writes:

“The next step in this Goedde Plan was almost counterintuitive, to resign to seize control. Goedde apparently knew that if the NIC Board fell below the quorum of three then the State Board of Education would appoint new members in all vacant seats.”

Both Christie Wood and Ken Howard resigned from their posts in April 2022, leaving 3 empty seats on the board. Because of this, the board was no longer able to function, and the State Board of Education was forced to step in and appoint 3 new trustees. In May of 2022, the State Board appointed John Goedde, Pete Broschet and David Wold to the Board of Trustees. In a special session one week later, these three un-elected trustees voted to depose Todd Banducci, and install David Wold as Chairman of the Board.

Since that time, these three un-elected trustees have ran roughshod over the elected trustees, hiring a new long-term President, Nick Swayne, and spending millions of dollars acquiring property from former Coeur d’Alene Mayor Steve Windmyer.

Wold Goes On A “Diatribe”

On October 24th, at the last North Idaho College Board of Trustees meeting before the November 8th election, Chairman David Wold broke the rules, and went on a 14 minute rant where he campaigned for the fake conservative candidates being promoted by the “Friends of NIC.” Would said,

“This is supposed to be a non-partisan election and a non-partisan board, but it appears to me that there's a Kootenai County Republican Central Committee group that has been recruited and vetted by that group…The Central Committee group have lived in Kootenai County one year, two years and three years. They have had no interaction with NIC within any of that time and no Community involvement. The “Friends of NIC” group are long-time residents of Kootenai County with extensive NIC and Community involvement.”

“How inappropriate is your comments?” Trustee Banducci interrupted. People in the audience began shouting at the board, with Conservative Candidate Michael Waggoner loudly saying “Inappropriate, sir!” to David Wold.

Wold jabbed back “Please allow me to speak. If you are elected the board you can set up here and speak at your turn.”

“You weren't elected to the board!” Banducci reminded everyone from the back of the room.

The exchange and closing remarks went on for over 12 minutes, ending with a very pleased David Wold smiling as his wife Katherine yelled at Banducci, telling him “Shut Up! You are an embarrassment!” A transcript of the exchange is available as a PDF here.

Some who have seen the exchange are convinced that Wold’s comments were not only in violation of board policy and trustee conduct guidelines, but also in violation of Idaho Code 74-604 (2) which states “Neither a public entity nor any of its employees shall use, nor shall a public official authorize or use, public property or resources to advocate for or against a candidate or a ballot measure.” It remains to be seen if action will be taken against these comments.

Upcoming Election: November 8th

For decades, the establishment has been firmly in control of NIC, that is until conservatives began to wake up. Now, more than ever, True Conservatives are getting involved at the local level, and this year three of them are running for the NIC Board of Trustees: Diana Sheridan, Ron Hartman and Mike Waggoner. These three candidates have all been vetted and recommended by the KCRCC.

Local liberal organizations such as the controversial “Friends of NIC” group which has allegedly been at the heart of the attacks against North Idaho College, have resorted to attempting to fool voters, copying the layout and format of the local Republican Central Committee’s fliers, hoping to trick YOU into voting for authoritarian pro-mask, pro-groomer candidates.

This election season is undoubtedly an important one for North Idaho, as North Idaho College could be the lightning rod used by the Left to influence the local culture. Similarly, if the real conservative slate is to be victorious on November 8th, North Idaho will remain one of the last places in the United States where sending your child to college will result in them being educated, without the progressive social consequences generally associated with higher education in the 21st century.


WARNING: Fake Republican Group Sending out Deceptive Election Messages — “North Idaho Republicans” are not the Official Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (KCRCC)


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