MILK MAYHEM: Raw Milk Supplies Hit Critical Choke Point — Customers Wait HOURS for Shipments that Sell Out in Minutes — “We Really Need More Milk!”

Raw Milk Supplies are Running Low in North Idaho

Raw Milk customers gather on a snowy Monday afternoon as the scheduled weekly shipment of Raw Milk is delayed. The loitering milk-fanatics line the aisles of the market, checking their watches, waiting hours for their weekly supply of Raw Milk.

The milk aisle is filled with dozens of brands of milk, though, customers are uninterested. The space reserved for unpasteurized dairy remains emptied.

More customers begin to arrive. A mother with 4 children pulls her cart up to the aisle. Another with two children walks up and ask if the raw milk has arrived yet. Customers can be seen visibly frustrated.

One customer named Jack tells the crowd the milk truck has arrived and jokes about having “cut a deal” with the delivery driver out back, saying “He dropped some of the bottles” in a sarcastic tone, jokingly hinting at being the first to receive his dosage of unpasteurized dairy.

And then, the shipment arrives, and milk madness ensues:

Customers pack every till, grabbing 2, 4, or even 6 bottles at a time. The bottles are half gallons of Raw Milk priced at $11, but cost is not factored into these milk-lovers dietary needs. Customer after customer is rung up for bottle after bottle, until every bottle is gone.

A store clerk says “its never been like this before” and that “something needs to happen.” One milk-drinker says a group of fellow unpasteurized milk-lovers may consider buying their own cows, and starting a “milk collective.”

We will continue to follow this story and provide updates as they are made available.

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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