In the Name of Climate Change: Bill Gates Brings Experimental Nuclear Power Plant to Idaho

From the man who brought the world experimental vaccinations, now comes experimental nuclear power plants!

Bill Gates' TerraPower is partnering with Southern Company to help build a nuclear reactor in Idaho, with The Department of Energy accounting for 80% of funding for the $170 million project. What is motivating the project? Climate change.

Interestingly, while the federal government works to eliminate traditional means of energy, such as oil and coal, due to conspiracy theories such as climate change, Bill Gates hopes to erect new experimental nuclear power plants over the graves of those companies put out of work by federal regulation, while only replacing a small fraction of those jobs.

In Wyoming, the Naughton Power Plant was crippled by the “Clean Air Act” and it’s accompanying regulations. The progressive agenda of ‘Climate Change’ — fueled by the Federal Government and their media accomplices — looks to replace traditional means of energy production with new ‘Green Energy’ alternatives, with projects spear-headed by familiar faces such as Bill Gates.

So, what does Idaho stand to gain from such a project? Well, considering it’s 13,650 energy workers in the state, not much. Bill Gates recently visited Idaho’s Sun Valley for a meeting on Climate Change, in which the issues of ‘Green Energy’ and how to combat C02 emissions was discussed. Of course, the 13,650 energy workers in Idaho do not factor in to the Billionaires vision for renewable energy in the region.

The Federal Government, Bill Gates and their friends in the media are working overtime to replace the traditional work force in Idaho with green energy labor — effectively crippling Idaho workers in the name of ‘Climate Change’. This all is being orchestrated under the guise of ‘planetary welfare’ and so-called ‘Eco-Justice’.

This is how it works: Federal regulation regulates businesses out of business, and their corporate allies swoop in to prey on the dying industry. While federal & state regulation closed down small businesses during COVID lockdowns, Amazon profited in the billions from online sales. Similarly, while federal & state regulation works to shut down traditional means of energy production, Bill Gates looks to capitalize off of the entire mess.

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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