In Idaho, ‘Non-Partisan’ is Code-Word for Democrat & Left-Wing Dogwhistle

These days, no important issue is non-partisan.

While real-estate prices continue to rise as Idaho remains top destination for Americans wishing to escape the chaos of liberal controlled cities, some local politicians repeat the phrase ‘non-partisan’ in an attempt to collect Democrat & ‘unaffiliated’ votes.

The term non-partisan, in a deeply red state such as Idaho, is simply a “hush hush” way for Republican politicians to signal to Democrats that they aren’t truly a Conservative. This signal should be seen as a red-flag to all conservatives when parsing through political campaigns for local offices.

For Democrats, passing gun control legislation is a non-partisan issue. Mask mandates are non-partisan. Workplace vaccine requirements are non-partisan. Immigration is non-partisan. To Democrats, a woman’s ‘right’ to murder her child (abortion) is a non-partisan issue. But are these non-partisan issues? If you are a Christian, Conservative or a Constitutionalist, these issues are fundamental to your political decisions and who earns your votes.

Let’s take a look at the type of people using the term ‘non-partisan’ in Idaho and what exactly they mean by it.

Abortion, immigration, gun control, & mask / vaccine mandates are all billed by Democrats as ‘non-partisan’ issues. They do this to moralize themselves by claiming that they care about everyone even if they disagree. These are all of course totally immoral causes. The idea that you could find middle ground with a liberal or a Democrat in current times is a delusion Idaho does not have the luxury of entertaining.

Moving forward, there will be no compromise with conservatives who bill themselves as non-partisan in an attempt to signal to left-wing voters who believe in abortion, gun control or immigration. Democrat’s, Antifa, Black Lives Matter & other left-wing pressure groups do not compromise on these issues, and neither will you.

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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