HATE CRIME HOAX: Idaho Police Discover “White Power” Graffiti Was Spray Painted by Mexican Gang Following Caldwell High School “Brown Pride” Rally

My Shock Is Completely Imagined

Caldwell School District, which has recently been mired in controversy due to the proposed addition of several pro-trans policies, is back in the news. This time, it is because of a hate crime hoax perpetrated by feuding Mexican gangs.

This comes after a “Brown Pride” rally was organized by hispanic students at the school. The demonstration went viral on Twitter.

The the evening following the “Brown Pride” rally, vandals defaced the school with graffiti that said “White Power.”

Liberal news outlets like the Idaho Statesman and KTVB quickly jumped on the story without all of the facts, in what appears to be an effort to defame white people and stir up racial tension in the already tense school district.

But, as with most supposed “hate crimes” it turned out to be a hoax. To the disappointment of the Liberal Media, the SPLC, Idaho Democrats, and the ADL, the real culprits were not “White Supremacist Terrorists,” but in fact a hispanic gang.

Residents in North Idaho will remember the Rachel Dolezal debacle.

For those new to the area, Rachel Dolezal is a white woman who pretended to be black, and eventually held positions at the Human Rights Education Institute, North Idaho College and then the NAACP.

While she worked at the Human Rights Education Institute, while in close association with Human Rights Task Force Founder, Christie Wood, Dolezal hoaxed a slew of “hate crimes” like this one:

Dolezal was finally outed by the Coeur d’Alene Press (back when they used to do real journalism) and has since left the area.

The media doesn’t want you to know this, but hate crime hoaxes are more common than you think. In fact, according to this Wall Street Journal article, over 66% of reported hate crimes are fake.

Liberal activist groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center, the ACLU and un-registered foreign agents like the Anti-Defamation League need these “hate incidents” to justify their existence, and raise BILLIONS of dollars to attack, demonize, and demoralize Conservative Americans.

The Caldwell School District is in DESPRATE need of Regime-Change. The school is in chaos due to the overwhelmingly liberal board of trustees.

While the Chairwoman of the Caldwell Board of Trustees is pushing for pro-Trans policies, Mexican Gangs continue to wreak havoc and stoke racial tension.

Our children deserve better.

Johnston Meadows

I’m an author, a Christian and a loving husband and father


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