Federal Government Sues Idaho to Continue Abortion With EMTALA Loophole — If Successful, Doctors Could Declare Pregnancy a “Severe [Psychological] Health Risk” Circumventing Law

The Federal Government is out for Blood

The Federal Government has issued a lawsuit against the State of Idaho in an attempt to continue the practice of murdering children before they are born.

If successful, a doctor could classify a pregnancy, or the mental trauma one associates with pregnancy, as a “severe health risk” under the EMTALA act. This means a patients psychological well-being could be considered an ‘emergency’ which could in turn allow an abortion to proceed.

As reported in the lawsuit, the language within Idaho’s abortion law does not classify a pregnancy that would end a mother’s life as an abortion.

“…a physician who provides an abortion in Idaho can avoid criminal liability only by establishing that “the abortion was necessary to prevent the death of the pregnant woman”

If the Federal Government is successful, the vague language of “severe health risk” would then be left up to the physician’s discretion, as ‘health’ includes the ever-expanding category of psychological trauma.

A doctor could potentially classify ‘psychological trauma’ related to a pregnancy as a ‘severe health risk,’ therefore legally proceeding with an abortion without worry of arrest.

In an article titled The EMTALA Loophole in Psychiatric Care, some individuals who are experiencing severe psychological episodes are oftentimes admitted — sometimes involuntarily — to hospital under circumstances classified by medical professionals as an ‘emergency,’ — undergoing medical procedures as a result.

Therefore, as ‘Severe Health Risk’ would include emotional and psychological ‘health,’ the term ‘health’ is reduced to a meaningless term, rendering any abortion thereafter ineffective at preventing the murder of the unborn due simply to legal semantics.

Furthermore, the prevalence of so-called ‘Serious Mental Illness’ is Ono the rise, with an estimated 14.2 million adults aged 18 or older in the U.S. with SMI.

Predictably, The prevalence of ‘Serious Mental Illness’ is significantly higher among females, with an SMI rate of 7.0% to a male rate of 4.2%.

With the current Idaho abortion law set to be implemented at the end of August, verifiable claims of rape would constitute a legal exemption for abortion.

The federal government too is looking to use legal loopholes and semantics to water down pro-life legislation in hopes that the practice of abortion remains a common everyday occurrence.

Johnston Meadows

I’m an author, a Christian and a loving husband and father


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