Brad Liberal’s State of the State Speech In Boise: Democrats Applaud While Conservative Idahoans Rush To Hide Their Wallets

I Got 99 Problems But Spending Money Ain’t One

Brad Liberal addressed Idaho’s newly sworn in legislature today, in his annual State of the State speech.

The speech was pretty boring, and honestly not worth wasting an hour of your life watching, unless you like listening to people speaking in a monotonous drone while you try to fall asleep, or maybe if you need to leave the TV on while you’re out running errands to keep your dogs company.

If you insist on seeing it, do yourself a favor and put it on double speed. You can thank me later.

As with most career politicians, most of what he says can be completely ignored, and with a speech as bland and unmemorable as this one it won’t exactly be hard.

What’s most interesting though are the topics that he chose to spend most of his time on today: Education.

Following the ballot initiative which was pushed by the left wing, Antifa-linked, Reclaim Idaho organization last November, Brad has been doing everything he can to appease the Left, the Democrats and his liberal backers like the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry.

Little called for an increase in state funding for teachers, giving a $6,359 raise to Government School teachers in Idaho.

That includes teachers like Idaho’s Teacher of the Year, Karen Lauritzen, who follows drag queens on social media, promotes LGBT events, promotes transgenderism, Black Lives Matter, and is active in local politics, promoting liberal ideology.

Next, Brad promised to spend more of our money by increasing “Literacy Funding” by 500%.

Liberal activists and Democrats continually attack Conservative Republicans and groups like the Idaho Freedom Foundation, arguing that because they don’t want to increase government spending on public schools, they are trying to “destroy education” in Idaho.

This is a lie.

A closer look at the numbers shows that spending more money on education does not lead to better educated, more literate students. In fact, they show the opposite.

While California and New York rank dead last in literacy, they outspend Idaho by a very large margin. California spends an estimated $133 Billion annually on public education, while New York spends roughly $220 Billion annually.

Idaho, however, spends significantly less than California and New York with roughly $2.3 Billion annually on education.

So, for those of you keeping track at home state spending per student in California, New York and Idaho are:

  • $59,909 per student in California

  • $53,446 per student in New York

  • $8,376 per student in Idaho

So, next time the Idaho Press tries to make you feel bad about how “little” we spend, compared to other states, remind them that throwing money at a situation doesn’t fix it.

To quote the famous rapper Notorious B.I.G. “Mo Money, Mo Problems.”

Besides his pledges to continue the Californication of Idaho’s schools, Brad also unveiled the “Empowering Parents” program, which is the successor to the “Strong Families, Strong Students” grant program instituted in 2022.

The $50 million “Strong Families” program was paid for with federal “pandemic relief” funds that Little received in return for locking down the state during the Coronavirus plandemic.

Tom Luna, the former State Superintendent of Public Education, a RINO who also served as Chairman of the Republican Party Chair until last summer, was outed for his role in negotiating a no-bid contract between the “Strong Families, Strong Students” grant program and Class Wallet Inc.

According to the Idaho Capitol Sun, Class Wallet Inc. skimmed $2.1 million in “set-up fees,” and another $1.2 million by charging a 2.5% transaction fee to vendors, for a grand total of $3.8 million of taxpayer funds being funneled through the “Strong Families, Strong Students” program, and into the pockets of the RINO establishment and their friends.

This time around, the “Empowering Parents” grant program will be handled by a company called PRIMARY CLASS, INC. which is a newly formed, anonymous corporation formed in the state of Delaware one year ago.

Are you beginning to figure out where the millions of dollars that gets funnelled into the campaigns of Liberal Republicans is coming from?

In a statement released by Wayne Hoffman, the founder of the Idaho Freedom Foundation, a Conservative watchdog group said “It’s an absolute disaster of a policy blueprint and, if followed, will lead the state further down the path of greater government dependency, socialism, and unfettered transgenderism.” Hoffman continued, saying:

“The governor’s budget calls for hundreds of new employees, unprecedented raises for bureaucrats, corporate cronyism, and millions of dollars in new programs and spending. It’s unaffordable, not conservative, and bad for the people of Idaho.”

The Idaho Tribune is eagerly awaiting Brad’s new Budget which is expected to be released this week, along with upcoming legislation for the 2023 session.

We can’t wait to find out how he will be cutting taxes for Idahoans by spending more of our money.

Johnston Meadows

I’m an author, a Christian and a loving husband and father


Resolving Your Critics


Winter Meeting Day 2, Part 2: Debates