Unbridled Wokeism: Kootenai County Taxpayers Shouldn’t Give University Of Idaho Another Penny

The woke Marxist propagandists masquerading as educators have no shame. They wave cherished community programs like 4-H in the face of our County Commissioners as a veiled threat, that if the woke monster at the University of Idaho isn’t fed with county dollars, they will end 4-H, Eat Smart Idaho, forestry and other “services” to the community.

Never mind the fact that the University of Idaho already receives both federal (via USDA) and state (via IDHW) dollars for these programs, that is simply not enough. Don’t look into their $169 million dollar annual drain on state taxpayers, there’s absolutely no room for these programs there.

And, for the love of God, definitely don’t pay attention to the University of Idaho Foundation that currently holds over $460 million in assets, earning them bragging rights as the largest foundation in the state. It just wouldn’t do for the University of Idaho to rearrange their bloated leftist-driven budget to fully fund these “community” programs; the county taxpayers must pay more!

Here’s a not-so-pretty view into where the University of Idaho prioritizes the money they bleed off the Idaho taxpayer.

  • The university pays their Chief Diversity Officer nearly $150,000

  • The university’s President rakes in a cool $420,000, plus benefits. That’s 646% more than the median Kootenai County household. This just screams “equity” doesn’t it?

  • Courses like FAMED 550 - Critical Race Theory and Medicine, which is taught through a partnership with the University of Washington, with a description that includes “bettering medicine through a critical race theory lens.”

  • 2nd year medical students are also indoctrinated via their Foundations program called Lifecycle in the therapeutic management “of transmasculine individuals (female to male) who require androgen therapy”. Androgen therapy is hormone therapy that destroys the female body as it attempts to remake her into a man. Which is a complete lie. These doctors may help a woman grow a better mustache than any of us women can achieve naturally, but they will never succeed in altering the cells of a body to completely destroy what God created. This form of “healthcare” is nothing short of Josef Mengele style butchery and our tax dollars are paying for the next generation of doctors to become these butchers.

  • Office of Equity and Diversity which appears to have more staff than the entire district administration of Lakeland Joint School District in Rathdrum

  • Vandal Climate Education and Support Team which shares the university’s commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion with a chief role to “collect, track and adequately respond to information on any and all reported incidents of prejudice and hate against members of our community”. Have they reported themselves yet? Every accusation by the rabid left is an admission of what they themselves are doing.

Make no mistake, the University of Idaho is flush with cash and resources. The problem isn’t that the university lacks the ability to fund Eat Smart Idaho or 4-H, but that they chose to prioritize their woke agendas over funding them. Instead of cleaning up the cultural and fiscal insanity on their campus, they come to you, demanding money be taken from the county budget to supplement their anti-family, pro-statist, alphabet mafia propaganda.

Tell me again how property owners and businesses of Kootenai County should give even one cent to an entity that is already drunk at the public trough while undermining everything we know to be right - faith, family, and absolute truth.

Giving the University of Idaho any money, supports unbridled woke-ism and tells our community that they are expected to accept leftist ideologies and be quiet about it.

Kootenai County property owners are sick and tired of being taxed to fund entities that do not serve the community at large or uphold our family first values, and we take great offense at being forced to fund woke, anti-human entities like the University of Idaho.

If the richest Foundation in Idaho finds the Eat Smart Idaho and 4-H programs of value, then they can restructure their own budget to pay for it, they certainly have the resources to do so.

Our county budgets are finite. On Thursday, March 16th, Kootenai County Sheriff and Coroner offices will be asking our County Commissioners to allocate more of the county budget to their departments. Our Sheriff and Coroner offices serve the entire community providing security, protection and justice which are critical to the safety and well-being of our community. These areas are part of the essential role of government and our taxes should be prioritizing them with appropriate funding.

Tell the good people who serve as our Kootenai County Commissioners that the woke University of Idaho already receives too much money off the backs of Idaho taxpayers and doesn’t have a right to any portion of our county budget.

On a side note, the woke Marxist infiltration into our cherished programs and institutions has not left the 4-H program untouched. The 4-H program of today has no resemblance to the wonderful 4-H structure we know and love from previous generations. Personally, I very much enjoyed 4-H activities as a youth, but I would never give the program access to any child I care about today. Peruse their website at www.4-h.org to see the extent of their decline into social justice, equity and inclusion. Their True Leaders in Equity Institute indoctrinate our children to “gain a deeper understanding of key principles and concepts related to equity and inclusion” and “identify a particular equity indicator and/or issue to focus on for the next year”. This is insidious propaganda foisted on the hearts and minds of our youth. Parents beware. I believe we can better serve our youth with a program completely divorced from both the national 4-H institution and the University of Idaho.


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