SHOCK POLL: 1 in 4 High School Students Now Identifies As LGBTQ — And We’re Supposed To Believe That Kids AREN’T Being Groomed?

Our Children Are Under Assault.

In a shock poll released by the Center for Disease Control, nearly 25% of high schoolers in America now “self identify” as members of the “LGBTQ community.” According to the far-right, extremist, neo-nazi, Main Stream Moderate news outlet The Hill:

About 1 in 4 high school students identifies as LGBTQ, according to a report the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released on Thursday, using data from 2021. 

In 2021, 75.5 percent of high school students identified as heterosexual, the CDC’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) found. 

Among high school students, 12.2 percent identified as bisexual, 5.2 percent as questioning, 3.9 percent as other, 3.2 percent as gay or lesbian and 1.8 percent said they didn’t understand the question. 

The CDC says the number of LGBTQ students went from 11 percent in 2015 to 26 percent in 2021. […] The CDC surveyed 17,508 students in 152 schools across the country.

The reason for this is multi-faceted, but not incomprehensible.

On the one hand, kids in public schools (yes, even in Idaho) have been subjected to an unrelenting stream of propaganda, and indoctrination. Whether we’re talking about state-sponsored, Planned Parenthood endorsed curriculum like “Reducing the Risk,” advertisements for Trojan Condoms that masquerade as “sex-ed,” porn literacy resources on state-run websites, or even sexually deviant teachers handing out pornographic books to kids, in an effort to soften them up for abuse… We’ve seen it all.

Although it’s true that most classrooms in Idaho aren’t decked out in gay flags from floor to ceiling, that’s only because our legislators and the Idaho Republican party has kept them held at bay. If it weren’t for out-of-state political refugees coming to Idaho and getting involved in local politics, to warn everyone about what was happening to their schools in California, New York, and Washington, this is what our schools wold look like:

So reason #1 for the drastic spike in self-identified LGBTQ students? Grooming. Maybe that word is too politically charged. How about this: they are being programmed to behave this way by left-wing/deviant educators who are spreading the gospel of Harvey Milk. He slept with 16-year-olds by the way.

Reason #2 that kids are identifying as LGBTQ, frankly is out of self-defense.

Imagine being a young white boy sitting in school, getting berated by some overweight and overpaid teacher who was steeped in critical theory for years in college. According to this teacher Leftist activist, all the evil that exists in the world comes from straight, white, heteronormative, cisgender, patriarchal Christians.

At the same time all this nonsense is being shoved down your kids’ throat, you see very clearly that people who identify as LGBTQ get a pass. At least that is the perception.

They are excused from the blame and guilt that is normally showered on young white kids, because “queer” people are more “oppressed” in the hierarchy of “intersectional victimhood.”

Nobody chooses their skin color, and we saw how Rachel Dolezal’s attempt at “trans-racialism” didn’t work… but kids can change their behaviour and identify as “queer,” or whatever.

They’re being bullied into it. Plain and simple.

Reason #3 is the culture as a whole. We have forsaken the “knowledge of God” as described in Romans 1, and now our society has been stricken with a “reprobate sense.” Every June (and in Boise September) we see that men “have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy.”

You can’t just remove Jesus Christ from the public square; from our schools, our institutions, our universities, our hospitals, and expect everything to remain the same. Our country was born out of the Christian tradition of Western society. Modern science, orphanages, hospitals, schools and libraries all were born from Christian society, and Christian charity.

Most recently, Tucker Carlson was made the victim of this reprobate sense, when the executives at fox news took offense with his overtly Christian message and fired him.

He was essentially fired for encouraging people to set aside 10 minutes a day to pray for the future of our country.

So, is it really surprising that a quarter of America’s youth have gone so far astray? No.

That’s why it’s so important that we fight, unashamedly, for a restoration of Christian culture and Christian society. We will get called “extremists,” sure. Atheists will complain about separating “Church and State,” even though that concept does not appear anywhere in our constitution. Demons will crawl out of the woodwork to attack, smear and defame us for fighting, but we have no reason to fear.

We have the Truth on our side. We have nature on our side. And, most importantly, God is on our side.

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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