Scientists Discover Ancient “Gnome Civilization” in Idaho — Mysterious Gnome Homes Revealed

While Idaho’s Congressmen are too busy joking online about rising costs and WWIII with Russia, the real heroes have done the unthinkable, and found what some claim to be an ancient civilization of Gnomes who lived in Idaho well before the Americans had settled.

The Gnome Complex was discovered in Kamiah, Idaho, where researchers believe the Gnomes lived, worked, and flourished.

The Gnome homes all have small entryways, leading into deep, dark cave like structures. Researchers claim the gnome homes have yet to be fully explored by human beings.

The caves thought to be home to the gnomes are found atop large mountain ranges, making it difficult for researchers to find them, adding weight to the claims that gnomes were resourceful creatures, who used the land with considerable intelligence.

William Shira, who many are dubbing the “Gnome Hunter” has detailed his findings on his YouTube channel, where he explorers many of the ancient gnome tunnels which seemingly have no end.

Johnston Meadows

I’m an author, a Christian and a loving husband and father


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