Satanic Temple Coming to Idaho Capitol — Bringing Transgender Porn Actors, Liberal Activists & Friendly Media for “Unbaptisms”

Satanists are just Democrats with Makeup & Black Clothing

The Satanic Temple of Idaho is planning an event at the state capitol building in Boise, bringing along transgender porn actors, liberal activists and friendly media allies from around the state.

Expect local media outlets to amplify their presence, as the CDA Press had done the last time Satanists descended upon our state’s capitol.

This isn’t the first time the Satanic Temple has caused a stir in Idaho. Residents in Coeur d’Alene took to protesting a local pub named “Crown and Thistle” after the Satanic Temple held a fundraising event. One of the co-owners of the pub, Jennifer Drake, sits on the towns art commission.

The Satanic Temple, who’s core belief system revolves around “trusting science” and LGBT rights, holds these events as a form of protest against Christian morals, which they believe should not influence Republican legislation in Idaho.

One of the special guests on the platform, Rowan Astra, has spent some time in the Boise capitol, presumably due to Idaho’s pro-life legislation which swept through the house, and has been signed by the governor.

Satanists are quite active in the Boise area, working with liberal legislatures in the capitol, and spearheading LGBT parades and anti-life events throughout the state.

Another guest, who goes by the name “Sadie Satanas,” is a transgender pornographer who posts nude blasphemy videos to social media, boasting of the “outraged” Christians throughout he state.

Among the individuals who follow the Idaho Satanic Temple, are journalists, liberal activists in the area and even a libertarian congressional candidate from Idaho, “Idaho Joe.”

Satanists are ultimately just Democrats who wear all black, put on makeup and switch genders faster than drunk drivers switch lanes. Although, their ideology perfectly aligns with the liberal worldview, and as such, they have slowly infiltrated legislatures locally, influencing policy in the state.

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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