Rep. Bruce Skaug Introduces Bill Blocking Child Genital Mutilation and Puberty Blockers — Idahoans OVERWHELMINGLY Support Legislation

Idaho Liberals Are Totally Screwed

Yesterday, February 7th, 2022, is a day that will live in infamy for Groomers, child predators, Democrats, perverts, satanists, sadomasochists, Antifa, pedophiles, and the Senior Executives at St. Lukes Hospital

Representative Bruce Skaug (LD-10A) introduced a bill that will make it a felony in Idaho to provide any kind of so called “Gender Affirming Care” that mutilates the reproductive organs of a minor.

The bill amends existing Idaho Code 18-1506B, which was originally designed to prevent female genital mutilation. After Rep. Skaug’s amendments are passed by the legislature and signed into law, the law would prohibits hormone treatments, puberty blockers, and surgeries that will mutilate the genitalia of anyone under the age of 18.

This is not the first time a bill of this nature has been introduced into the Idaho legislature, but it is the first time that a RINO hasn’t shoved it into a dark drawer, never again to see the light of day.

Conservatives all over the state OVERWHELMINGLY support this legislation, because (obviously) God created each and every one of us either Male or Female, and nobody can do anything to change that.

The bill stipulates that “Biological sex is an objectively defined category that has obvious, immutable, and distinguishable characteristics.”

For the Democrats in the back of the room, that means that boys have a penis, and girls have a vagina. That’s it. End of story.

But it isn’t really the end of the story. Last week, 18-year-old Chloe Cole, a de-transitioned activist leading the fight to protect children from transgender surgeries came to speak at a Capitol Clairty event in Boise.

Chloe is a self-described “former trans kid” who de-transitioned after undergoing years of puberty blockers and an irreversible double mastectomy at the age of 15.

She is a part of a rapidly growing group of people who now regret undergoing sexual reassignment procedures.

The medical industry, and the Democrat party have been attempting to keep a lid on all of this, because “sex-reassignment” surgeries are an absolute gold-mine for the healthcare field.

These surgeries cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and are usually accompanied by years of care, dozens of different prescriptions, frequent complications, and ongoing care. KAAAACHING!

The “compassionate Left” does not want you to know about the fact that Gender dysphoria among children rarely persists into adulthood, with peer-reviewed research revealing that as many as 98% of gender dysphoric boys and as many as 88% of gender dysphoric girls ultimately identify with their biological sex after passing through puberty.

Dorothy Moon, the Conservative chairwoman of the Idaho Republican Party released a statement in support of Rep. Skaug’s bill saying “The fight to protect Idaho’s children from pseudoscience and the biomedical industrial complex is here.”

The whole thing is an absolute RACKET. None of it is “Science Based,” and after the past several years, from OxyContin to the Covid “Vaccines,” everyone knows that big pharma is out for profits. They don’t care about your health.

Think about it. It is obvioiusly more profitable to keep someone sick, while managing their symptoms with a dozen different prescriptions, than it is to actually heal someone’s illness.

I mean, just look at what they do to people in these so called “gender affirming” surgeries:

In order to create the “penis” that a woman believes she is “missing” it is necessary to take extensive skin and muscle grafts, sometimes from the forearm, sometimes from the upper thigh.

Muscle doesn’t really grow back, and people who have this kind of severe tissue damage “require ongoing reconstructive and regenerative challenge in clinical work.”

If you don’t let someone do this to a child, you’re just a HATEFUL BIGOT!

“Neo-vaginas” are a totally different story all together.

In place of what was formerly a penis, the male victim of “gender affirming care” is instead left with an open wound that requires “dialation” (i.e. inserting a phallus shaped “spacer”) to prevent the wound from healing.

Even the athiests over on Reddit admit that the wish they never had the surgery.

If idiots on Reddit can understand how bad of an idea this “gender affirming care” is, you’d expect at least ONE Democrat in Idaho would be on the Right side of history, right?

Lol. We didn’t either. Check out the comments on this dumb tweet from Idaho’s Democrats.

We thank God for raising up Representative Skaug, and for giving him the courage to fight for the Conservative Christian people of Idaho. We thank Representative Skaug for taking a bold stand to protect Idaho’s Children from this disgusting, disfiguring, hateful mutilation. We thank God that we can call Idaho our home, and pray that Jesus Christ leads our state away from the sinfulness that has overwhelmed the rest of our once great nation.

Pray for Representative Skaug. We haven’t heard the last from Idaho’s satanic groomers…

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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