Presidential Caucus: A Special Message from Idaho GOP Chairwoman Dorothy Moon

You may have heard about the recent change to the Idaho Republican Party’s Presidential primary. This past legislative session, Idaho’s Secretary of State introduced legislation to move Idaho’s presidential primary from March to May.

The bill he introduced, and the legislature passed, and the governor signed, failed to move our presidential primary to May, instead removing the presidential primary completely, leaving Idaho Republican voters with no ability to vote for their preference in the 2024 Presidential contest.

Idaho’s social and economic interests deserve national focus. Keeping the Idaho GOP’s Presidential nomination process in March will incentivize national candidates to campaign in Idaho, learn and debate issues important to Idaho, and appeal directly to the voters of Idaho.

To advance the interests of our state, including our industries, job creators, and employers, the Idaho GOP must remain in the front of the presidential nominating process. Which is why last week at our summer meeting, the Idaho Republican State Central Committee voted overwhelmingly to institute a Presidential Nominating Caucus for 2024 to fill the gap where no presidential primary exists anymore.

On Saturday, March 2, 2024, Republican voters from across the state will gather in their counties and districts to select our delegates to the RNC’s Presidential nominating contest. This moves Idaho into the early stages of the nominating fight, allowing Idaho Republicans to vote before Super Tuesday.

The caucus stands as an age-old and profound American tradition, predating the concept of casting ballots. By gathering neighbors together to deliberate on the choices, it fosters a sense of connection and strengthens the community bond.

It is important to note that those in the media and around the state saying the caucus "disenfranchises voters” is not accurate. Republicans have the ability to decide whether or not to participate in the Presidential caucus next March 2nd, just as in previous years they had the choice to go vote at the polls on Election Day. It is your choice.

I hope you decide to join us! We took note of how the caucus was conducted in 2012, and we are making changes to the process to make it more efficient and easier on voters. The 2024 Caucus will not be a long, drawn out process that takes hours. We want to make this a fun and lively event, something Republicans will be excited to engage and participate in.

Now, more than ever, it’s crucial for everyday hard-working Idahoans to have a voice in determining the direction of our republic and our beloved Idaho. As the Idaho Republican Party, we will stand strong and united to ensure that Idaho remains a key player in selecting the next Republican nominee for President of the United States. As Chairwoman of the Idaho GOP, I remain committed to upholding the principles that empower the citizens of Idaho to have a meaningful voice in shaping our nation's future.

Dorothy Moon

Dorothy Moon is the Chairwoman of the Idaho Republican Party.

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