Photos: Idaho Democrats & Pro-Abortion Protestors Receive Boos at 4th of July Parade in Coeur d’Alene

Happy 4th of July!

Angered Democrats and pro-abortion activists took to the streets of Coeur d’Alene during the annual 4th of July parade down Sherman Ave holding inappropriate signs with vulgar imagery.

The echo of disapproval from the crowd of North Idahoans could be heard in the form of loud boos and jeers.

The crowd of angered pro-abortionists, socialists, and Antifa was lead by the Kootenai County Democrats, whose chairman wore the same shirt as Coeur d’Alene mayor Jim Hammond.

Among the crowd were individuals donning clothing with satanic imagery, holding signs with pictures of reproductive organs and pro-abortion catchphrases.

Many within this group held protest signs asking for a “separation of church and state” — yelling towards onlookers who were simply present to celebrate the Nation’s Independence Day.

Some protestors held signs of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, while others had coat hangers representing “back alley abortions.”

Democratic Socialists made an appearance holding black flags with pro-abortion imagery.

While Idahoans came out to celebrate the birth of our nation, Democrats used the holiday to send a message to onlookers, who were simply there to have a good time.

Johnston Meadows

I’m an author, a Christian and a loving husband and father


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