Letter To The Editor: Where’s the Report?

Earlier today, the Idaho Tribune received an anonymous e-mail submission through our website. We frequently recieve anonymous tips, letters to the editor, and community feedback through our submission form, but we don’t publish everything that we are sent.

This email, however, got our attention:

Subject: Where’s the Report?

Message: Every piece of information and every letter from the NWCCU has been shared with the community. NIC has done a bang up job, ensuring that the public is well-informed of all accreditation-related communications up till this point. But it seems as though something changed last week...

What’s different this time you may ask?

Well, it seems the report hammers away at President Swayne.

We've heard rumors. Rumors that started when someone overheard Dr. Swayne bitching about statements recently made about Dr. Swayne by the NWCCU during a retirement ceremony on campus. Since then, Dr. Swayne has asked for a summary judgment on his lawsuit, while hiding a report that potentially says that he is the greatest threat to accreditation.

Save NIC has been conspicuously quiet.

Where are the calls for transparency? Draft reports have been released before. We must all reach out to NIC via email and ask for accountability and transparency. The future of our college depends on it.

The Idaho Tribune has reached out to NIC’s Administration and we have not received a response. Radio silence.

If you would like to try your luck at getting a response from the college, we recommend sending an email to all of the following email addresses:

ddswayne@nic.edu, board@nic.edu, lkrumpler@nic.edu


GONE ROGUE: NIC Trustee Zimmerman Puts Accreditation in Jeopardy by Acting Unilaterally — Asks Idaho State Board of Education To Exercise Illegal Authority Over College


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