Fake Republican Dan Gookin Partners With Groomers, Democrats, Rockefeller-Funded Sun Valley Group, and Reclaim Idaho, Against Marjorie Taylor Greene

You aren’t fooling anyone, Dan.

Coeur d’Alene’s Fake Republican City Counselor Dan Gookin has joined forces with the Kootenai County Democrat Party, North Idaho Pride Alliance, the Sun Valley Institute, Reclaim Idaho, NIC’s fire alarm technician Teresa Borrenpohl, and Christie “Seargent Cupcake” Wood, to protest Marjorie Taylor Greene’s upcoming visit to the KCRCC’s highly anticipated Lincoln Day Dinner.

Gookin has been spiraling out of control online and straight into the hands of the liberals for the past several years, and frankly, it has been hard to watch someone “so smart” make such an idiot out of themselves, on such a regular basis.

His videos feature childish outbursts, name calling, lots of swearing, and hateful anti-Christian rhetoric, so it’s natural that he feels more at home with the Democrat party in Kootenai County.

Gookin’s upcoming event, is being promoted by the Kootenai County Democrat Party, the Coeur d’Alene Press. Because Kootenai County only has about 2 dozen true believing Democrats, the event is being heavily promoted in Spokane by the Inlander, a left-wing conspiracy magazine ran by a Reddit-tier cannabis salesman named Walter Daniels, in an effort to manufacture a “left-wing pushback” in the 70%+ Republican county.

According to the Democrats Website, the event is designed to educate “Kootenai County citizens about the dangers that Marjorie Taylor-Greene and her supporters pose to democracy.”

ShE wAnTs To BrInG a BaLlOoN tO cOnGrEsS??? tHaT’s An InSuRrEcTiOn!!!!!!

In addition to the unhinged, pro-trans, fake Republican Dan Gookin, the event will feature liberal Cd’A City Counselor and ex-NIC Trustee Christie Wood, David Adler from the Sun Valley Institute, Democrat Representative llana Rubel, North Idaho Pride Alliance Director Sarah Lynch, and the director of the far-left extremist lobbying group Luke Mayville.

David Adler — Sun Valley Institute

According to the Idaho Humanities Council Website, David Adler is a former journalist left-wing activist, and is currently the Director of the Sun Valley Institute.

The Sun Valley Institute is a left-wing money laundering operation funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and is used to buy rich people in Sun Valley fresh food and solar panels. As if they couldn’t afford to do this kind of stuff on their own.

The Rockefeller Foundation, you may remember is the organization that lobbied the Catholic Church to accept abortion and birth control, and was the sponsor of the now infamous Event 201 Pandemic Dry-Run and the author of the Lock Step Document that outlined the media industrial complex’s response to Covid-19.

The Rockefellers and the Rothschilds are long time business associates.

Makes you wonder what the heck they want to do with Idaho…

Sarah Lynch — North Idaho Pride Alliance

Sarah Lynch who will also be speaking at the event is the head of the North Idaho Pride Alliance.

The North Idaho Pride Alliance is the group responsible for the debauchery in the park event last June that attracted satanists, Antifa, porn-star drag queens, and a gaggle of neo-nazis packed in the back of a U-Haul Truck.

Remember this?

The North Idaho Pride Alliance frequently hosts events for kids.

Events like this “Family Friendly” Halloween Drag Show at NIC, that was cancelled at the last minute because the “Optics” of the event were, uh, horrible.

Luke Mayville — Reclaim Idaho

Another speaker at the event is Luke Mayville, the head of the Antifa-Linked astroturfed organization, that uses the ballot initiative process to impose a kind of Tyranny of the Minority over the rest of Idaho.

And have also argued in favor of pornographic books in the library.

Teresa Borrenpohl — Extremist Organizer In Kootenai County

This article could go on and on, showing you who these people are, what they have done, the abortion and gender extremism they espouse… But, I have other things to do today, and you do too.

So, the next time Dan Gookin tells you that he is a “Real Republican” and starts bashing the staunchly Conservative, overwhelmingly Christian KCRCC, calling them “Stalinist Communists,” you can tell him where to shove his opinion.

Dan Gookin and Christie Wood are up for re-election to the Coeur d’Alene City Council this November.

Johnston Meadows

I’m an author, a Christian and a loving husband and father


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