Fake Neo-Nazi Group Operating in Post Falls Idaho Hoist “White Power” Flag — ‘White Lives Matter’ Organization Seeks to Fill Extremist Void in Panhandle

Fake Neo-Nazis Hoist “White Power” Flag in Post Falls

While North Idaho remains one of the most conservative and free places to live in the United States of America, fake extremists groups, such as “White Lives Matter,” seek to perpetuate cartoonish stereotypes, electing themselves the new boogyman needed for left-wing groups to fundraise and grow.

The group, popular among pagans, atheists and anti-social outcasts, has begun a propaganda campaign, littering North Idaho with stickers, posters and banners with the slogan “White Lives Matter.”

Members of the group also openly support the Azov Battalion, a neo-nazi group in Ukraine which practices pagan and occult rituals.

While left-wing groups in North Idaho struggle fundraising, they salivate every time a couple of sub 80 IQ idiots — being led by a federal agent — drop “white power” flags over highways.

These groups are not real. They are literally comprised of federal agents and low IQ social outcasts who latch on to fringe ideology for a sense of purpose and community.

They are the juggalos of politics.

With all of the hate and deceitful rhetoric being spun towards normal conservatives by local media sources, we all can agree, this is one group North Idaho could do without.

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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