Egg Shortage Comes Home To Roost In Idaho Eggsacerbating Recession Fears As Customers Scramble To Shell Out More Cash Than Ever

Eggs are the new toilet paper.

Customers have been scrambling to find eggs this winter due to what seems to be a global shortage.

Prices have skyrocketed, with some analysts noting that eggs are outperforming Bitcoin since 2020.

Coeur d’Alene residents have begun noting the decrease in egg-availability over the past several days, with one woman telling the Idaho Tribune that Costco only had 13 cartons of organic eggs left as of mid-day Tuesday.

The shortage is being blamed on the “Avian Flu,” but nobody believes that.

In the wake of the War in Ukraine, as well as the Global Recession that was triggered by the world wide shuttering of businesses to “stop the spread” of COVID, inflation has risen across the board, not only in America, but around the world.

Due to the increased costs of feed, electricity, and transportation, the production cost for organic farmers has risen, but it appears as though the supermarkets are unwilling to pay farmers a higher price for their product.

There is a simple remedy, and many Idahoans have already figured this out: Homesteading.

In a 2020 interview on the Joe Rogan Experience, Joel Saladin, a farming expert and homesteading advocate said:

A city in Belgium offered three chickens per household to anybody that wanted a chicken. They had 2,000 families raised her hand says yeah we'll take three chickens. So, they got six thousand chickens distributed through this [program] to the city.

In the first month it dropped a hundred tons of food waste to the landfill. And so not only did they eliminate the landfill waste, all these people now suddenly had chickens.

Pat has done all the math on this and shows that if one in three households had enough chickens to eat your kitchen scraps, there would not be an egg industry in the United States. It would be completely on non-essential. Really.

Democrats used to say that there’d “be a chicken in every pot.” Now, amidst the egg shortages, and the supply chain problems, and the rising inflation, Democrats are threatening to turn off your gas stoves.

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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