Conservative North Idaho College Trustee SLAMS Woke News Media For Deliberately Mis-Reporting Facts

(Coeur d’Alene, Idaho) — North Idaho College's (NIC) Board of Trustees convened for it’s regular business meeting.

Trustee Todd Banducci gave a scalding critique of media inaccuracies, especially from the Cd’A Press, with Cd’A Press reporter Kaye Thornbrugh (She/Hers) seated in the front row. Banducci said:

“I am going to talk about the Press a lot today … the falsehood you perpetuate.  We have a lot of fiction writers, you must have a lot of space to fill in here. Some of the people get just miles of ink.”

“We want to get to some truth.  It would be nice if the narrative wasn’t trying to be set in advance of all these topics. It’s like, if you shout it out there first, and if you can say it first, even if it’s untrue, and it’s a fabrication or a falsehood, but it sticks.”  continued Banducci, “The lie goes around the world before the truth even gets off the doorstep.”

Debate arose between Chair McKenzie and President Swayne about strategic plan development protocols; transparency issues about nonprofit funding, notably Jobs Plus; and frustrations over Idaho State University's impact on NIC nursing students' opportunities. A subcommittee was formed to address faculty and staff concerns.

Trustee Zimmerman faced potential censure for information leaks but the motion was tabled.

Concerns emerged over the lack of clear policy on presidential evaluations, indicating past governance issues.

The meeting concluded after 4 and a half hours at 10:30 pm.

Jeannie Powell

Mama Bear, medical freedom advocate, ex-Californian. Don’t Californicate my Idaho!


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