Coeur d’Alene Residents Celebrate 4th of July with Patriotic Parade Despite Left-Wing Agitation from Pro-Abortion Groups

God Bless The United States of America

Despite left-wing protestors and pro-abortion marchers, residents in Coeur d’Alene came out in celebration of our nation’s Independence Day, and refused to let progressive politics rain on their parade.

Residents of Coeur d’Alene lined the streets wearing patriotic colors and rain jackets.

While rain continued to build, Coeur d’Alene cheered to the patriotism that continues to inspire a nation mired in political strife.

As scouts marched forward with their flags, onlookers clapped for what can only be described as the visual representation of the true America.

Veterans waved back towards the thankful onlookers who stand where they are only due to the brave sacrifice of our armed forces. This day is a reminder of what is truly important.

A true feeling of patriotism permeated the air unscathed by the cold rain which seemed to have no end.

A community such as ours is one of beauty and awe as this America we get to experience is unlike the America we see on television.

The America of California, or New York, or Portland, is almost unrecognizable when compared to our America here in North Idaho. This is precisely why Coeur d’Alene has the hottest real estate market in the country.

We have something special here in Coeur d’Alene, and residents, especially transplant, understand that we have something most Americans wish they had, something they only read about or see on TV.

Coeur d’Alene is a special place, it’s our home, and it is worth preserving.

While far-left agitators continue to push progressive politics in our communities, it is important to remember: We are Idahoans, and we will never let progressive politics rain on our parade.

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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