As the CDA Press Takes a Hard-Left Turn, Right-Leaning “The People’s Pen” Deploys to 75,000 Homes to Combat Liberal Misinformation

As readers lean right, the CDA Press takes a hard left turn.

As the local paper runs cover for Democrats, phony republicans and a motley crew of questionable ‘unaffiliated’ politicians, the pressing question that’s been on everyone’s mind is: Can a left-leaning newspaper survive in a town with a predominantly right-leaning readership? Rumor has it the CDA Press is bleeding readership due to blatant left-leaning reporting. These so-called “rumors” — if one would call them rumors — would make sense if you’ve paid attention to their local coverage of the November 2nd elections.

Just as the legacy CDA Press feels the squeeze, a new news paper titled “The People’s Pen” deploys to over 75,000 homes throughout Kootenai County in an attempt to right the wrongs of the liberal media amid a contentious local election season.

The opening article is an intellectual, yet entertaining piece titled “The National Fight for School Board Comes Home to Kootenai County” wherein the author explores the multitude of debated subjects that have dominated the national headlines over recent months. Critical Race Theory, gender studies and a plethora of other subjects are dissected through it’s pages, focusing on specific organizations who promote such curriculum while also lending an entertaining twist to define such curriculum that is by design generally too dry and academic for the average reader to understand.

The paper was reportedly sent out to over 75,000 homes throughout Kootenai county and has received an overwhelmingly positive response. Though not everyone is happy with the paper, with some online claiming it is “kooky” and “not legitimate.”

Attendees of Churches, businesses and shops across town have by now all received a copy of The People’s Pen. The question now is will The People’s Pen provide the desperately wanted conservative news to the people of North Idaho, Or is this a fluke?

Samantha Collins

Idaho is my home, a home worth protecting <3


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